Query on comparing products

I see bitsMed used join on rownumber
Instead of date

I know what that means..


Is it possible to alter the CTE with these below data and structure ? I would not have difference and the sign columns ??

create table #fruit(
product varchar(10)
,price decimal(10,2)
,[date] date


insert into fruit values

For this specific scenario, try this:

with cte1
  as (select product
            ,[date] as dt
            ,count(*) over(partition by product) as n
            ,row_number() over(partition by product order by [date]) as rn
        from #fruit
  as (select a.product
            ,sign(a.price-b.price) as s
        from cte1 as a
             left outer join cte1 as b
                          on b.product=a.product
                         and b.rn=a.rn-1
select a.product
      ,avg(a.[n]) as [base total count]
      ,count(*) as [matched count]
  from cte2 as a
       inner join cte2 as b
               on b.product!=a.product
              and b.rn=a.rn+1
              and b.s=a.s
 group by a.product
 order by a.product
         ,[matched count] desc

Come to this of it, this only works if you have rows for same dates, for each fruit. Maybe a better solution would be using lag/lead :thinking: