Ok the last formula just shows 2016 record.
Also, the Declare is disallowing grid pane view.
Ok the last formula just shows 2016 record.
Also, the Declare is disallowing grid pane view.
I do have a Function I am using now that mimics the DateSeial() in Access using this:
@year int ,
@month int ,
@day bigint
RETURNS datetime
DECLARE @date datetime
-- catch invalid year entries and default appropriately
SET @year =
CASE WHEN @year < 1900 THEN 1900
WHEN @year > 9999 THEN year(getdate())
ELSE @year
-- convert date by adding together like yyyymmdd
SET @date = cast(@year * 10000 + 101 AS char(8))
-- Add to date the proper months subtracting 1,
-- since we used 1 as start instead of zero.
SET @date = dateadd(mm , @month - 1 , @date)
-- Add to date the proper days subtracting 1,
-- since we used 1 as start instead of zero.
SET @date = dateadd(dd , @day - 1 , @date)
RETURN @date ;
>= dbo.DateSerial(YEAR(GETDATE()), 6, 30)
on EndDate.
It works great.
I tried to incorporate that into your formula for the date issue but failing.
declare @season int=Year(GetDate());
declare @seasonstart date=dateadd(month,6,dateadd(year,@season-1901,0));
declare @seasonend date=dateadd(year,1,@seasonstart);
select c.ClubNo
,year(p.EndDate) as YearEnd
,rtrim(p.InvoiceNumber) as InvNo
from dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot as c
left outer join attribute.PersonMembership as p
on p.OrganizationId=c.ClubID
and p.StartDate<@seasonend
and p.EndDate>=@seasonstart
and p.MembershipTypeId in (1,2,3,4)
where c.ClubNo = 5305[/code]
This is producing 17 records, which includes 1 record from 2014
but then not sure where the 16th record in 2015 is coming since there are only 15 in 2015.
Yet when I specify 2015 in the Declare statement I get 15 and when I replace with 2016 I get the club record without membership.
These are accurate.
However when attempting to get 2015 and 2016 and future years, doesn't seem to work??
I tried removing the startdate and the declarations then put the dateserial function for enddate within the LEFT OUTER JOIN and I get an error
in front of the first statement perhaps?
(You can turn it back OFF after the last statement if you need to, but it is only set for the session, so probably won't be a problem leaving in that state)
i've been so focused on getting the data right for 5305 to work like 8004 i didn't notice this other issue.
ClubNo 22 is repeating the invoices??
This shows 22 records correctly
SELECT c.ClubID, c.ClubNo, c.SortName, c.ClubName, c.BSProgram, c.ClubSection, c.Code, c.President,
c.Email, c.Phone, c.FacilityName, c.StreetOne, c.StreetTwo, c.City, c.State, c.PostalCode,
c.URL, c.Certified, c.FacilityLastUpdate, c.ByLawsUploadDate,
c.ProgramStatusId, c.Status,
YEAR(p.EndDate) AS YearEnd, RTRIM(p.InvoiceNumber) AS InvNo, p.PersonId, p.MembershipTypeId
FROM dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.PersonMembership AS p ON p.OrganizationId = c.ClubID AND p.EndDate >= GETDATE() AND GETDATE() >= DATEADD(month, - 6 - CASE WHEN p.MembershipTypeId = 3 THEN 4 ELSE 0 END,
DATEADD(year, DATEDIFF(year, 0, DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, p.EndDate) + 6, 0)), 0))
AND p.MembershipTypeId IN (1, 2, 3, 4)
GROUP BY c.ClubID, c.ClubNo, c.SortName, c.ClubName, c.BSProgram, c.ClubSection, c.Code, c.President, c.Email, c.Phone, c.FacilityName, c.StreetOne, c.StreetTwo,
c.City, c.State, c.PostalCode, c.URL, c.Certified, c.FacilityLastUpdate, c.ByLawsUploadDate, c.ProgramStatusId,
c.Status, YEAR(p.EndDate), p.PersonId, RTRIM(p.InvoiceNumber), p.MembershipTypeId
HAVING (c.ClubNo IN (5305, 8004, 22))[/code]
So can this part
p.EndDate >= GETDATE() AND GETDATE() >= DATEADD(month, - 6 - CASE WHEN p.MembershipTypeId = 3 THEN 4 ELSE 0 END,
DATEADD(year, DATEDIFF(year, 0, DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, p.EndDate) + 6, 0)), 0))
handle >=Year(GetDate())?
That looks a bit risky?? Likely that you will get perfectly reasonable, but wrong, results if you accidentally have a year > 9999
If you changed that to
WHEN @year > 9999 THEN NULL
then that should mean that the function returns NULL for invalid year, which should cause other things to break etc. and thus be detected.
If you are using SQL2012 (I don't think it was in SQL2008??) there is a new function DateFromParts which will do that job:
select DateFromParts(Year(GetDate()), 6, 30)
It will give you an error if you attempt to do
select DateFromParts(Year(GetDate()), 6, 31)
which might be an additional benefit?
Oh that's great. Though I'm using 2008 on my laptop at the moment.
But thank you, that will help not having to worry about the DateSerial Function on 2012. I'll test the DateFromParts.
In the meanwhile ...
To summarize issue,
when the formula is changed to handle >=EndYear it does not produce the correct information for 5305.
the correct information is only produced when doing an =EndYear.
The details need to include all years correctly from current and future years.
I don't know why it does not, meaning why it's only correct when it's set to look at the individual year but not when it's a range of years.
ClubNo 5305 has memberships in 2015 but not in 2016.
It needs to show both. It only shows one or the other based on the set EndYear. When it's set to >= it does not show the row where it doesn't have the membership like it does for ClubNo 8004.
ClubNo 8004 has no memberships in the current year or future and does show when it's set to 2015 or 2016 or range.
ClubNo 22 has memberships from 2015 - 2019 and shows in both and all cases.
What's the matter with 5305 data not producing the no membership in the future year?
Difference I see is that they have a membership in 2015 but not in 2016 whereas 8004 doesn't have a membership in any years.
But that's the issue, it shouldn't matter, 5305 should show 2015 memberships and that they don't have in the future year(s).
Hi Kristen,
I upgraded to 2014 and this works! Thank you!
DateFromParts(Year(GetDate()), 6, 30)
Blimey that was quick! Doesn't your organisation required :
Upgraded my computer with the express.
Though the date format works the issue with getting all the correct data is not yet resolved.
I did try a simple query using the date format and Is Null where I originally started and came on here for help.
I get 8004 but not for 5305
SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.PersonMembership.OrganizationId, dbo.PersonMembership.PersonId, dbo.PersonMembership.MembershipTypeId,
dbo.PersonMembership.EndDate, dbo.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber, dbo.PersonMembership.EndYear, dbo.PersonMembership.PaymentDate,
FROM dbo.PersonMembership RIGHT OUTER JOIN
dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot ON dbo.PersonMembership.OrganizationId = dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.ClubID
WHERE (dbo.PersonMembership.EndDate >= DateFromParts(YEAR(GETDATE()), 6, 30) OR
dbo.PersonMembership.EndDate IS NULL) AND (dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.ClubNo = 5305 OR
dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.ClubNo = 8004)
ORDER BY dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.ClubNo
Anyway to use
in this? I tried but failing
p.EndDate >= GETDATE() AND GETDATE() >= DATEADD(month,
- 6 - CASE WHEN p.MembershipTypeId = 3 THEN 4 ELSE 0 END, DATEADD(year, DATEDIFF(year, 1, DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, p.EndDate) + 6, 0)), 0))
One more try. This will not produce exactly the result from your initial query (more fields added), but hopefully you can use it anyway.
For the detailed result, try this:
with seasontally(seasonyear,seasonstartdate,seasonenddate)
as (select (datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12+1900 /* last season year */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))-6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season start date */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season end date+1 */
from dbo.personmembership
union all
select seasonyear-1
from seasontally
where seasonyear>(datediff(month,0,getdate())-6)/12+1900 /* previous season year */
select s.*
,count(p.personid) over(partition by c.clubid,s.seasonyear) as members
,rtrim(p.invoicenumber) as invno
from (select distinct
from dbo.v060clubofficerspresornot
) as c
outer apply seasontally as s
left outer join dbo.personmembership as p
on p.organizationid=c.clubid
and p.startdate<s.seasonenddate
and p.enddate>=s.seasonstartdate
order by s.seasonyear
For the sum result, try this:
with seasontally(seasonyear,seasonstartdate,seasonenddate)
as (select (datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12+1900 /* last season year */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))-6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season start date */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season end date+1 */
from dbo.personmembership
union all
select seasonyear-1
from seasontally
where seasonyear>(datediff(month,0,getdate())-6)/12+1900 /* previous season year */
select s.seasonyear
,count(distinct p.personid) as members
from (select distinct
from dbo.v060clubofficerspresornot
) as c
outer apply seasontally as s
left outer join dbo.personmembership as p
on p.organizationid=c.clubid
and p.startdate<s.seasonenddate
and p.enddate>=s.seasonstartdate
group by s.seasonyear
order by s.seasonyear
Now, I'll be happy to explain these queries, but first, lets see if this is anywhere near the result you're looking for.
Oh yay! THANK YOU!
Here are comments and questions on this
it is producing the overall. I get that you applied it to all 4 years due to the MemberTypeID = 3 which is a 4 year membership.
If that's how it can be done then that's fine as long as the membership updates IF they end-up have memberships in 2017, etc ... as right now they are showing 0 for 5305 and 8004 for the next 4 years. It's true both do not have memberships in 2016 but they may in 2017 or later on in that 4 year period since their memberships are only for 1 year at a time as they fall in the MemberTypeID IN (1,2,4).
NOTE: the details, the 1st formula in the last post shows 7/1 instead of 6/30.
And is there a way it can be viewed in the Grid Pane?
Or at a minimum be saved as a View that the Crystal Report will need to link to for the reporting tool for the end user?
eeck, actually ClubNo 22 count is off.
When I looked at the details for 22 from 2015-2019 they have 82 invoices but your formulas shows totaling 91?
seasonyear clubno sortname clubname members
2015 22 ADIRONDACKS SC of the Adirondacks, Inc. 44
2016 22 ADIRONDACKS SC of the Adirondacks, Inc. 42
2017 22 ADIRONDACKS SC of the Adirondacks, Inc. 3
2018 22 ADIRONDACKS SC of the Adirondacks, Inc. 2
2019 22 ADIRONDACKS SC of the Adirondacks, Inc. 0
It appears some of the PersonID and InvoiceNumber combo are duplicating for some reason on these.
I see and what it should be the counts are:
Total: 82 from 2015-2019
But the counts for 5305 is correct
Here's my View with the correct details based on the Group for the fields from c and fields from p
SELECT c.ClubNo, c.SortName, c.ClubName, c.StreetOne, c.StreetTwo, c.CareOf, c.City, c.State, c.PostalCode, c.OrgType, c.ClubRegion, c.ClubSection,
c.Email, c.Phone, c.FacilityName, c.PresClubSec, c.PresCareOf, c.PresAdd1, c.PresAdd2, c.PresCity, c.PresState, c.PresZip, c.President, c.PresEmail, c.PresPhone,
c.URL, c.Certified, c.Code, c.FacilityLastUpdate, c.ByLawsUploadDate, c.BSProgram, c.ProgramStatusId, c.Status, c.IsActive, p.MembershipTypeId, p.PersonId,
p.InvoiceNumber, p.EndDate, YEAR(p.EndDate) AS EndYear
FROM dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.PersonMembership AS p ON c.ClubID = p.OrganizationId
GROUP BY c.ClubNo, p.MembershipTypeId, p.PersonId, p.InvoiceNumber, p.EndDate, YEAR(p.EndDate), c.SortName, c.ClubName, c.StreetOne, c.StreetTwo, c.CareOf, c.City,
c.State, c.PostalCode, c.OrgType, c.ClubRegion, c.ClubSection, c.Email, c.Phone, c.FacilityName, c.PresClubSec, c.PresCareOf, c.PresAdd1, c.PresAdd2, c.PresCity,
c.PresState, c.PresZip, c.President, c.PresEmail, c.PresPhone, c.URL, c.Certified, c.Code, c.FacilityLastUpdate, c.ByLawsUploadDate, c.BSProgram,
c.ProgramStatusId, c.Status, c.IsActive
Actually the "with" section builds a "temp" table like this:
From the sample data you provided, this is what the "temp" table contains:
seasonyear seasonstartdate seasonenddate
2015 2014-07-01 00:00:00.000 2015-07-01 00:00:00.000
Try it yourself:
with seasontally(seasonyear,seasonstartdate,seasonenddate)
as (select (datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12+1900 /* last season year */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))-6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season start date */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season end date+1 */
from dbo.personmembership
union all
select seasonyear-1
from seasontally
where seasonyear>(datediff(month,0,getdate())-6)/12+1900 /* previous season year */
select *
from seasontally
Note: person PER00020124 has startdate 2014-06-25 and enddate 2015-06-30, so this entry actually qualifies for season 2014 and 2015. But season 2014 will not be shown, as we only want to see from presious season (2015) and ahead.
If ex. person PER00392472 has startdate 2014-07-01 and enddate 2018-06-30, this would be the result:
seasonyear seasonstartdate seasonenddate
2018 2017-07-01 00:00:00.000 2018-07-01 00:00:00.000
2017 2016-07-01 00:00:00.000 2017-07-01 00:00:00.000
2016 2015-07-01 00:00:00.000 2016-07-01 00:00:00.000
2015 2014-07-01 00:00:00.000 2015-07-01 00:00:00.000
This should work in grid pane (if not, try starting the query with a semicolon ;
Regarding clubno 22, is all startdate and enddate "aligned" in the "right" season?
Or is it the same as PER00020124 where he/she "overlaps" seasons?
If you still can't figure out what causing this, please provide data for clubno 22.
I noticed that PER00147307 doesn't have invoicenumber. Should the query only count persons with invoices? If so, change detail query to:
with seasontally(seasonyear,seasonstartdate,seasonenddate)
as (select (datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12+1900 /* last season year */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))-6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season start date */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season end date+1 */
from dbo.personmembership
where invoicenumber is not null
union all
select seasonyear-1
from seasontally
where seasonyear>(datediff(month,0,getdate())-6)/12+1900 /* previous season year */
select s.*
,count(p.personid) over(partition by c.clubid,s.seasonyear) as members
,rtrim(p.invoicenumber) as invno
from (select distinct
from dbo.v060clubofficerspresornot
) as c
outer apply seasontally as s
left outer join dbo.personmembership as p
on p.organizationid=c.clubid
and p.startdate<s.seasonenddate
and p.enddate>=s.seasonstartdate
and p.invoicenumber is not null
order by s.seasonyear
and sum query to:
with seasontally(seasonyear,seasonstartdate,seasonenddate)
as (select (datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12+1900 /* last season year */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))-6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season start date */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season end date+1 */
from dbo.personmembership
where invoicenumber is not null
union all
select seasonyear-1
from seasontally
where seasonyear>(datediff(month,0,getdate())-6)/12+1900 /* previous season year */
select s.seasonyear
,count(distinct p.personid) as members
from (select distinct
from dbo.v060clubofficerspresornot
) as c
outer apply seasontally as s
left outer join dbo.personmembership as p
on p.organizationid=c.clubid
and p.startdate<s.seasonenddate
and p.enddate>=s.seasonstartdate
and p.invoicenumber is not null
group by s.seasonyear
order by s.seasonyear
Ok, thank you.
I'll respond to each part.
Part 1
Note: person PER00020124 has startdate 2014-06-25 and enddate
2015-06-30, so this entry actually qualifies for season 2014 and 2015.
But season 2014 will not be shown, as we only want to see from presious season (2015) and ahead.[/quote]
Season is 71/2014-6/30/2015 is in EndYear 2015
7/1/2015-6/30/2016 therefore is in EndYear 2016, etc ...
StartDates are can be varying dates, as mentioned early on when the startdate came up, it's basically the invoice date / paymentdate. since your membership does not start until you pay for it but ends on the same enddate for everyone.
There isn't an overlap without an invoice for the membership.
PersonID PER00020124 is for ClubNo 5305.
Didn't I provide create table with the data sets in earlier post?
I have to confirm on that. I originally thought yes and was counting it but doesn't make sense it wouldn't have the invoice the payment is for, which could mean bad data record, in which case should be corrected on their end.
Then startdate cannot be used.
And I would think the enddate could be problematic aswell. Consider this:
A person with membershiptype 3 starts in season 2016 but quits/transfers in season 2016. In this case (if we were to subtract 4 years from enddate) he/she would "popup" in previous season (2015) aswell.
You have a field called endyear - maybe this field is the one to use, when calculating season start. Is this field also overwritten with the quit/transfer year when he/she stops?
By the way, I missed to filter on membershiptype
with seasontally(seasonyear,seasonstartdate,seasonenddate)
as (select (datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12+1900 /* last season year */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))-6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season start date */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season end date+1 */
from dbo.personmembership
where membershiptype in (1,2,3,4)
and invoicenumber is not null
union all
select seasonyear-1
from seasontally
where seasonyear>(datediff(month,0,getdate())-6)/12+1900 /* previous season year */
select s.*
,count(p.personid) over(partition by c.clubid,s.seasonyear) as members
,rtrim(p.invoicenumber) as invno
from (select distinct
from dbo.v060clubofficerspresornot
) as c
outer apply seasontally as s
left outer join dbo.personmembership as p
on p.organizationid=c.clubid
and p.startdate<s.seasonenddate
and p.enddate>=s.seasonstartdate
and p.membershiptype in (1,2,3,4)
and p.invoicenumber is not null
order by s.seasonyear
with seasontally(seasonyear,seasonstartdate,seasonenddate)
as (select (datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12+1900 /* last season year */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))-6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season start date */
,dateadd(month,(datediff(month,0,max(EndDate))+6)/12*12+6,0) /* last season end date+1 */
from dbo.personmembership
where membershiptypeId in (1,2,3,4)
and invoicenumber is not null
union all
select seasonyear-1
from seasontally
where seasonyear>(datediff(month,0,getdate())-6)/12+1900 /* previous season year */
select s.seasonyear
,count(distinct p.personid) as members
from (select distinct
from dbo.v060clubofficerspresornot
) as c
outer apply seasontally as s
left outer join dbo.personmembership as p
on p.organizationid=c.clubid
and p.startdate<s.seasonenddate
and p.enddate>=s.seasonstartdate
and p.membershiptypeId in (1,2,3,4)
and p.invoicenumber is not null
group by s.seasonyear
order by s.seasonyear