If date fall with in the date need to delete and insert new date


Am checking the dates(startdate and enddate) if it is fallen with in the range then it should update if it is fallen outside the range then insert new records.

Assume that have in table already startdate = 2020-04-02 and enddate = 2020-04-10

If I want to insert new record by passing @startdate = 2020-04-01 and @enddate = 2020-04-09 it should check the existing dates where @enddate(2020-04-09) is falling within the existing enddate ( 2020-04-10 ) so it should update.

Similarly as go on as per the input in previous post.


i came up with sample data and results ..
hope this helps :slight_smile:

drop table #SampleData

create table #SampleData
startDate date ,
endDate date,
updating int 

declare @startdate date = '2020-04-01'
declare @enddate date = '2020-04-09'

declare @update int =0

insert into #SampleData select '2020-04-02','2020-04-10',111

select 'sample data',* from #SampleData
select @update = 1 
from #SampleData
where @startdate >= startdate or @enddate <= enddate

if @update =1  select 'Updating' else select 'Inserting' 

if @update = 0 
insert into #SampleData select @startdate , @enddate ,111
else if @update =1
update #SampleData set updating = 5555
where  @startdate >= startdate or @enddate <= enddate

select 'after insert or update',* from #SampleData


startdate = 2020-04-02 and enddate = 2020-04-10 already exists i made it startdate = 2020-04-01 and enddate = 2020-04-09 it worked.

but when i want to insert the new record startdate = 2020-04-11 and enddate = 2020-04-20 it should insert but it is updating to existing record.

please explain properly what you are trying to do !!

i am not able to understand what you are saying !!!
this is a very very very very very simple thing to resolve !!!

please refer below is my input, your query works for only half of the scenario
if i pass input startdate = 2020-04-21 and enddate = 2020-04-23 instead of inserting new record it is updating to existing records. please let me know if still my explanation doesn't make understand you ?

designationID startdate enddate RegularHrs perform
2 2/4/2020 10/4/2020 5 insert
2 1/4/2020 9/4/2020 6 update
2 3/4/2020 11/4/2020 5 update
2 10/4/2020 20/4/2020 5 update
2 21/4/2020 23/4/2020 8 insert
2 22/4/2020 25/4/2020 8 update
2 25/4/2020 30/4/2020 6 update


how about this !! hope this helps !! .. :slight_smile:

DROP TABLE #sample;

         startdate DATE
         , enddate DATE

INSERT INTO #sample SELECT  '2/4/2020', '10/4/2020';
INSERT INTO #sample SELECT  '1/4/2020', '9/4/2020';
INSERT INTO #sample SELECT  '3/4/2020', '11/4/2020';
INSERT INTO #sample SELECT  '10/4/2020', '20/4/2020';
INSERT INTO #sample SELECT  '21/4/2020', '23/4/2020';
INSERT INTO #sample SELECT  '22/4/2020', '25/4/2020';
INSERT INTO #sample SELECT  '25/4/2020', '30/4/2020';

DECLARE @start_date DATE = '2020-04-21';
DECLARE @end_date DATE = '2020-04-23';

    , CASE WHEN @start_date BETWEEN startdate
                            AND     enddate
                OR  @end_date BETWEEN startdate
                              AND     enddate THEN 'Update'
          ELSE 'Insert'



hi vajeed

as we discussed on cell phone .. please see merge statement with changes
Please let me know if this works :slight_smile:

Merge into tblWorkHours as target
using (select @designationid as designationid,
@startdate as StartDate,
@enddate as EndDate,
@regularhrs as regularhrs,
@statusflag as StatusFlag) as source
on target.designationid = source.designationid
and ( Target.StartDate BETWEEN= source.startdate AND source.EndDate
OR Target.EndDate BETWEEN= source.startdate AND source.EndDate )
when not matched then
insert (EmpID, StartDate, EndDate, regularHrs)
values (source.designationid, source.startdate, source.enddate, source.regularHrs)
when matched then
update set StartDate = source.startdate,
EndDate = source.enddate,
RegularHours = source.regularHrs;


Thank you for talking with me :slight_smile:

solution provided by you is working for scenarios am still testing it on if it again stuck in any of the input will let you know.