Not with the statements that use EXCEPT or UNION ALL. Those statements need to have the same columns in the same order in their SELECT lists.
You could do this:
;WITH miss_recon(ref_id, date_col) AS (SELECT referenceId, TransactionDate FROM GameConfirmResponses
WHERE TransactionDate >='2022-01-01' and TransactionDate<'2023-01-01'
SELECT ReferenceNo, TransactionDateFROM RazerReconciliation
WHERE date_col >='2022-01-01' and date_col<'2023-01-01')
FROM miss_recon M
INNER JOIN GameConfirmResponses R ON M.ref_id=R.referenceId
INNER JOIN [GameAPI].[dbo].[Coupons] C on R.ConfirmResponseID=C.ConfirmResponseID