Group by Multiple columns

I managed to get it to work on SSMS, but it's asking me to define all the parameters when trying to create sqldatasource for my grid.

That I don't have any idea

Experts on this forum will help you


Is there any way of doing it without creating the temp table?

You can create a permanent table instead of the temp table

Did it work out Carlo ??


Hi Carlo

Scott pletchers

May work... For you also

Carlo, you were very close. All I had to do was remove "centre" from the grouping and add a column for totals.

Thanks Scott, I used your option, one more question though, If I wanted the totals of each Branch as well how would I go about doing that? Like bottom line below

Resignation Reason Branch1 Branch2 Branch3 Branch4 Branch5 Branch6 Totals
Career Change 6 9 2 5 3 0 25
Career Chnage 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Increased salary 4 8 0 0 1 0 13
No longer wanted to teach 4 5 0 0 1 0 10
Working hours 2 1 0 0 3 0 6
Total 16 23 3 5 8 0 55

hi carlo

adding rollup will put the bottom row with sum

Type = ISNULL(Type, 'Total'),
TotalSales = SUM(TotalSales)
FROM atable

How would I add that to this query?

select resignationReason,
sum(case when Centre = 'BRANCH 1' then 1 else 0 end) as BRANCH1,
sum(case when Centre = 'BRANCH 2' then 1 else 0 end) as BRANCH2,
sum(case when Centre = 'BRANCH 3' then 1 else 0 end) as BRANCH3,
sum(case when Centre = 'BRANCH 4' then 1 else 0 end) as BRANCH4,
sum(case when Centre = 'BRANCH 5' then 1 else 0 end) as BRANCH5,
sum(case when Centre = 'BRANCH 6' then 1 else 0 end) as BRANCH6,
sum(1) as Totals
from HR_Exit_Interview
group by ResignationReason

Hi Carlo

I will work on it

Please give me 2 hrs


hi carlo

i tried to do it

But got the result in another way
hope it helps
:slight_smile: :slight_smile:

drop create data .
drop table HR_Exit_Interview

create table HR_Exit_Interview
ID	int ,
Centre	varchar(100),
resignationreason varchar(100)

insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 7	,'Branch 1','Working hours'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 8	,'Branch 1','Increased salary'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 9	,'Branch 1','No longer wanted to teach'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 10	,'Branch 1','No longer wanted to teach'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 11	,'Branch 1','Career Change'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 12	,'Branch 1','Career Change'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 15	,'Branch 1','Career Change'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 16	,'Branch 1','No longer wanted to teach'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 17	,'Branch 1','Career Change'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 18	,'Branch 1','Increased salary'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 19	,'Branch 1','Increased salary'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 20	,'Branch 1','Career Change'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 21	,'Branch 1','No longer wanted to teach'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 23	,'Branch 5','No longer wanted to teach'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 40	,'Branch 5','Working hours'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 41	,'Branch 5','Increased salary'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 42	,'Branch 5','Working hours'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 43	,'Branch 5','Career Change'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 45	,'Branch 4','Career Change'
insert into HR_Exit_Interview select 48	,'Branch 4','Career Change'

select * from HR_Exit_Interview
SQL ...
; WITH cte 
     AS (SELECT resignationreason, 
                      WHEN centre = 'BRANCH 1' THEN 1 
                      ELSE 0 
                    END) AS BRANCH1, 
                      WHEN centre = 'BRANCH 2' THEN 1 
                      ELSE 0 
                    END) AS BRANCH2, 
                      WHEN centre = 'BRANCH 3' THEN 1 
                      ELSE 0 
                    END) AS BRANCH3, 
                      WHEN centre = 'BRANCH 4' THEN 1 
                      ELSE 0 
                    END) AS BRANCH4, 
                      WHEN centre = 'BRANCH 5' THEN 1 
                      ELSE 0 
                    END) AS BRANCH5, 
                      WHEN centre = 'BRANCH 6' THEN 1 
                      ELSE 0 
                    END) AS BRANCH6, 
                Sum(1)   AS Totals 
         FROM   hr_exit_interview 
         GROUP  BY resignationreason), 
     AS (SELECT ''           AS resingationreason, 
                Sum(branch1) AS sumbranch1, 
                Sum(branch2) AS sumbranch2, 
                Sum(branch3) AS sumbranch3, 
                Sum(branch4) AS sumbranch4, 
                Sum(branch5) AS sumbranch5, 
                Sum(branch6) AS sumbranch6, 
                Sum(totals)  AS totals 
         FROM   cte) SELECT * 
FROM   cte 
FROM   ctebottomtotals 



is cte a temp table?

That worked Perfectly, thank you.

yes cte is temp table

its called common table expression in T-SQL