GeoJSON Format

your array of arrays in your FeatureJSON column will be very hard to work with in SQL Server. It will require a lot of parsing. I am not sure SQL is the best place to do that.

Lets get the ball rolling with at least the following.

;with src
	select x.*
	  from #ZoneFeature z
	 cross apply OPENJSON(z.FeatureJSON) x
select * 
 From src
 where type = 4

--the sampling of long lats are coming from your FeatureJSON column which I manually stripped of the brackets.

 Declare @polygon geometry
 SET @polygon = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((102.0 2.0, 103.0 2.0, 103.0 3.0, 102.0 3.0, 102.0 2.0))', 4326)

 select @polygon

Will this be a one time migration to port this json to geometry?

Also check this thread out