Use selection inside of a second selection


I have the following selection:

> SELECT CONCAT('Applicant's Name: ',AppID, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)+'Application Date: ',AppDate,
> CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)+'The products are: ',@Products) AS Body
> FROM tblApplication
>  WHERE Appno=@Appno

Products is not a member of tblApplictions but should be a list returned from the following:
> DECLARE @Products AS NVARCHAR(1000)
SELECT @Products = ProductDescr
> FROM tblProducts INNER JOIN tblApplication
ON tblProducts.AppID=tblApplication.AppID
> WHERE Appno=@Appno

The problem is I only get one record of products. Any kind of help would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

please provide sample table definition and sample data.It would be good if you can create table variable and insert script for that and post the same here.

provide sample code as follows

declare @Appno varchar(50)
set @Appno = 'Chrisz'

create table #tblProducts(Appid int, ProductDescr varchar(50))
create table #tblApplication(AppId int, Appno varchar(50), AppDate date)
insert into #tblApplication
select 1, 'Slice Vader', '2012-01-01' union
select 2, 'Anti Matta', '2013-01-01' union
select 3, 'Time Travel', '2014-01-01' union
select 4, 'Chrisz', '2015-01-01'

insert #tblProducts
select 1, 'Schuks Absorbers' union
select 1, 'Light Saber' union
select 1, 'Flacon' union
select 4, 'Jedi Force' union
select 4, 'Nut Crackers'

--CONCAT ( string_value1, string_value2 [, string_valueN ] ) 
SELECT CONCAT('Applicant''s Name: ', ta.AppID, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'Application Date: ',AppDate,
CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)+'The products are: ', ProductDescr) AS Body

FROM #tblProducts tp
  INNER JOIN #tblApplication ta
ON tp.AppID=ta.AppID
WHERE Appno=@Appno

drop table #tblProducts
drop table #tblApplication
SELECT CONCAT('Applicant''s Name: ', ta.AppID, CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + 'Application Date: ',AppDate,
       CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)+'The products are: ', stuff( (SELECT ','+ ProductDescr 
               FROM #tblProducts tp
               WHERE ta.AppId = tp.AppId
               ORDER BY ProductDescr
               FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)')
            ,1,1,'')) AS Body
      FROM #tblApplication ta
WHERE Appno=@Appno
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Thank you yosiasz for providing the code and the solution for me.
It works perfectly :slight_smile:

spoonfeeding is not good idea,

@nextaxtion is there a more efficient way to make that scenario work?