Trouble with Chart control and dates on X axis for range bar chart as Gantt type

Having a great deal of trouble trying to produce a Gantt type chart using a range bar chart control. I've been thru numerous how-to posts, have tried restarting VS, my computer and even tried repairing the VS installation, yet nothing about building the chart is working "as advertised".
My SQL stored proc is returning a project name to use as a category on the Y axis. It also returns a project start date, project finish date, and duration field.

While the design view looks like this is more or less correct, running the report indicates otherwise.

I am working in Win10 with SQL Server 2014 and Visual Studio 2013.

The stored procedure IS returning data. I have the X axis Interval property = 1 and Interval Type = Months.
Can someone please give me any ideas why this just isn't working? It's been several exceedingly frustrating days.
I will answer additional questions for info as I can - but No, I can't post the .rdl and I can't post the sql.

Thanks in advance

Can you at least post some obfuscated sample data?

DW Split Line in DW Gathering Information 2017-06-01 08:00:00.000 2017-07-06 17:00:00.000 35 FMI
EDI - Aldi - Purchase Order and Invoice Gathering Information 2017-05-02 08:45:42.013 2017-06-26 08:00:00.000 55 FMI
EDI - Chambersburg Cold Storage - Remote Warehouse Visibility Approved; Underway 2017-05-02 08:45:42.013 2017-06-19 14:30:00.000 48 FMI

Could you please also post the column names for this data? Can't tell where one data piece starts and where the other ends.

The stored proc returns (by request) either the today's date if already in progress, or the start date if it's greater than today. I've tried to set a minimum value on this, but get a oleaut error.


ProjectName current_status begindate ProjectFinishDate remainingdays customer
DW Split Line in DW Gathering Information 6/1/2017 7/6/2017 35 FMI
EDI - Aldi - Purchase Order and Invoice Gathering Information 5/2/2017 6/26/2017 55 FMI
EDI - Chambersburg Cold Storage - Remote Warehouse Visibility Approved; Underway 5/2/2017 6/19/2017 48 FMI

sorry, trouble getting the format to hold
ProjectName current_status begindate ProjectFinishDate remainingdays customer
DW Split Line in DW Gathering Information 6/1/2017 7/6/2017 35 FMI
EDI - Aldi - PO and Invoice Gathering Information 5/2/2017 6/26/2017 55 FMI
EDI - Remote Visibility Approved; Underway 5/2/2017 6/19/2017 48 FMI

ok, so what do you mean by it is not working. did you deploy this report to your report server and it does not work on the report sever but works on your VS?

It is working for me

alter proc boomba
	create table #chart(ProjectName varchar(250), current_status varchar(250), begindate date, ProjectFinishDate date, remainingdays int, customer varchar(250))

	insert into #chart
	select 'DW Split Line in DW', 'Gathering Information',	'6/1/2017',	'7/6/2017',	35,	'FMI' union
	select 'EDI - Aldi - PO and Invoice', 'Gathering Information',	'5/2/2017',	'6/26/2017',	55,	'FMI' union
	select 'EDI - Remote Visibility Approved', 'Underway',	'5/2/2017',	'6/19/2017',	48,	'FMI'

	select ProjectName, begindate, ProjectFinishDate, remainingdays
	  From #chart

	drop table #chart

I mean the chart in the report is NOT working at all. - In visual studio, no I have not uploaded to report server as it doesn't even display properly in visual studio. Please see the screen shots from the original post. The second picture is what I get in Preview mode in visual studio. None of the data is correctly displayed in the chart.