SSRS Beginner -- "Unable to connect to Report Server"

Hi. I am learning SSIS and SSRS . When I am trying to configure reporting server, I click on find and I get an error message, "Unable to connect to report server DLL-PC(my computer name)"

I have SSDT 2017 but SSMS is 2012. When I click on the object explorer , I only have an option of Database Engine. Is there anything that I missed while installing? Also, I have downloaded all tools from the internet and I do not have installation CD.

I can understand SSIS (Datastage background) but SSRS is totally new to me and these reporting configurations is a totally unknown territory, So please consider me a layman.

How are you opening the report server?
Are you able to see the ReportServer databases from SSMS?

No I am not able to see ReportServer database from SSMS.CaptureSSMS

I have attached a screenshot. My only option is Database engine that is greyed out. I cannot choose anything else.

That means you have not installed the ReportServer.
Just to confirm,are you able to see Report Server Configuration Manager in the installed programs list?
Something like this


Yes. I do see Report Services Configuration manager in my installed programs!

. But when I try to give the server name as my computer name, it gives me error as follows.CaptureReportservices

Can you confirm if the Report service is running under Services.msc

Sorry how can I find that out? How/where should I check service.msc?

Type Services.msc in the start search box and hit enter.Then a list of services running on your computer will be displayed.Look for the SQL Server Reporting Service and check the status of the service.If it is stopped try to start it.


I don't see SQL Server Reporting Service :cry:

You did not install Reporting services.
You can add this using the same media.

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Can you please help me with what file should I download for my 64 b it computer?

I tried installing SQL Management studio x64. But I am getting the following error. Apparently there is nothing else to install. How should I proceed?


Are you using SQL Express with Advanced Services?

If not (i.e. you are just using the Basic version of SQL Express) I don't think you can use Reporting Services

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SQLEXPRADV_x64_ENU.exe would be SQL Server Express Advanced Edition - which should come with a version of SSRS.

With that said - you would be much better off downloading and installing SQL Server 2016 Developer's Edition which will include all of the services you are wanting to test and validate. And there is no charge...

If you decide to go with 2016 Developer's Edition - be aware that SSMS and SSDT are separate downloads and installations. Since SSDT is just Visual Studio 2015 you can download the Community Edition and then install SSDT into your Visual Studio installation.

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No, I do not have advanced services. I will go ahead and download it. Thank you for your reply! :smile:

Thank you so much for pointing me to the right file. Let me download it and check :smile:

Thank you so much everyone!! I was able to install Reporting services. This issue is now resolved.:smile:

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