Pick a random sample based on multiple criteria from a set of records

Greetings everyone!

I have a table in an SQL server 2012. Few days ago I requested help for a picking a random sample of 5% from the table with only one criterion. This forum helped me with the problem and solved it. Thanks for that but this time the criteria are much more complicated. I know there are many wise guys out here and I hope this forum can help me solve this.


  1. ItemReviewId column is the PK.
  2. Deleted column will have only "yes" and "No" value.
  3. Audited column will have only "Yes" and "No" value.

I want to create a stored procedure to do the followings:

  1. Pick a random sample of 10% of all ItemReviewId for distinct 'UserId' and distinct 'ReviewDate' in a given date range. 10% sample should include- 5% of the total population from Deleted (No) and 5% of the total population from Deleted (Yes). Audited ="Yes" will be excluded from the sample.

For example – A user has 118 records. Out of the 118 records, 17 records have Deleted column value "No" and 101 records have Deleted column value "Yes". I need to pick a random sample of 12 records. Out of those 12 records, 6 should have Deleted column value "No" and 6 should have Deleted column value "Yes".
2. Update Audited to "Check"

In a nutshell pick a sample 5% of the population having Deleted="No" and 5% of the population having Deleted="Yes" and update Audited column value to "Check" of the sample.

How can I achieve this?

Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

did you try 'top 5 percent' and specify order by newid()?

I tried the below stored procedure. But it gives me 5% of Deleted="Yes" and 5% of Deleted="No". For the example above -- it picks only 6 having Deleted="Yes". But I want 6 records (5% of population (118)) having Deleted="Yes" and 6 records (5% of population (118)) having Deleted="No".

ALTER PROC [dbo].[spItemReviewQcPickSample]  
         @StartDate Datetime  
        ,@EndDate Datetime 
    WITH CTE  
      AS (SELECT ItemReviewId  
                *row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY UserId  
                                       order by newid()  
                /count(*) OVER(PARTITION BY UserId  
                 AS pct  
           FROM tblItemReviewItems  
           WHERE ReviewDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate  
             AND Deleted in ('Yes','No')  
             AND Audited='No'  
    SELECT a.*  
      FROM tblItemReviewItems AS a  
           INNER JOIN cte AS b  
                   ON b.ItemReviewId=a.ItemReviewId  
                  AND b.pct<=6  
    WITH CTE  
      AS (SELECT ItemReviewId  
                *row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY UserId  
                                       ORDER BY newid()  
                /COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY UserId  
                 AS pct  
            FROM tblItemReviewItems  
           WHERE ReviewDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate  
             AND deleted IN ('Yes','No')  
             AND audited='No'  
    UPDATE a  
       SET Audited='Check'  
      FROM tblItemReviewItems AS a  
           INNER JOIN cte AS b  
                   ON b.ItemReviewId=a.ItemReviewId  
                  AND b.pct<=6  

How can I achieve that?

Try using two separate queries (one for Deleted=yes and another for "no") then union the results, maybe

I can do that but how can I pick 5% (6) of the population (118) having Deleted='No' not the 5% (1) of Deleted='No' (17)?

look at it another way, Your 118 has deleted either yes or no. 17 have no. so 5% of 118 is what pct of 17? 17/118*.05 in other words

Thank you for looking into this!
I created a stored procedure that way fixing the %. But my problem is that the % you are referring to is not always the same. A user might have 17 deleted='No' out of 118, another user might have 38 deleted='No' out of 118. So for the first user the % is 35.29 and for the second user the % is 15.79. So that approach does not address the problem.

i wasn't suggesting hard-coding the numbers. that was just an example. you'll have to count things each time

Here is my stored procedure. How can I count things each time?

ALTER PROC [dbo].[spItemReviewQcPickSampleUpdate]
	@StartDate Datetime
	,@EndDate Datetime
--Completed Items
  AS (SELECT ItemReviewId
            *row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY UserId
                                   order by newid()
            /count(*) OVER(PARTITION BY UserId
             AS pct
       FROM tblItemReviewItems
       WHERE ReviewDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
         AND Deleted = 'No'
         AND Audited='No'
	AND UserId NOT LIKE 'v_s2_'+ '%'
  FROM tblItemReviewItems AS a
       INNER JOIN cte AS b
               ON b.ItemReviewId=a.ItemReviewId
              AND b.pct<=31
  AS (SELECT ItemReviewId
            *row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY UserId
                                   ORDER BY newid()
            /COUNT(*) OVER(PARTITION BY UserId
             AS pct
        FROM tblItemReviewItems
       WHERE ReviewDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
         AND deleted ='No'
         AND audited='No'
		 AND UserId NOT LIKE 'v_s2_'+ '%'
   SET Audited='Check'
  FROM tblItemReviewItems AS a
       INNER JOIN cte AS b
               ON b.ItemReviewId=a.ItemReviewId
              AND b.pct<=31

easy way:

declare @nos float = select count() from ... where deleted = 'no'
declare @yes float = select count(
) from ... where delete = 'yes'
declare @samplepct float = .05 * @nos/(@nos + @yes)

then use the samplepct in

select top @samplepct percent from <population> where delete = 'No'


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Sir, I have been trying for the last couple of days but could not create a stored procedure following your suggestions. May be I am asking too much. Could you please create a stored procedure for this? Your help is greatly appreciated.

I was able to pick sample for a UserId. Now the questions are- i. how can I select samples for all the users? ii. how can I update the "AuditStatus" column value to "Check" to the selected rows?

ALTER PROC [dbo].[spPickSample]
	DECLARE @Nos INT = (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM tblItemReviewItems WHERE Deleted='No' and UserId='jdoe1')
	DECLARE @Yes INT = (SELECT COUNT (*) FROM tblItemReviewItems WHERE Deleted='Yes' and UserId='jdoe1')
	DECLARE @Samplepct FLOAT =(.05*(@Nos + @Yes)) / @Nos*100
	DECLARE @Percentage AS INT = @Samplepct
		TOP (@Percentage) PERCENT *
		Deleted='No' AND UserId='jdoe1'

Could this be what you're looking for:

select b.*
  from (select itemreviewid
              ,ceiling((sum(case when deleted='No' then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by userid)
                       +sum(case when deleted='Yes' then 1 else 0 end) over(partition by userid)
               as records
              ,row_number() over(partition by deleted,userid order by newid()) as rn
          from tblitemreviewitems
       ) as a
       inner join tblitemreviewitems as b
               on b.itemreviewid=a.itemreviewid
 where a.rn<=a.records
 order by b.userid
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Thank you very much. You are awesome! This is exactly what I needed. Here is my final stored procedure:

ALTER PROC [dbo].[spPickSample]
		@StartDate AS DATETIME
		ItemReviewId VarChar(50)
		,UserId VarChar(50)
		,ReviewDate Datetime
		,Deleted varchar(10)
		,Audited varchar(10)
	INSERT INTO @tempItems (ItemReviewId, UserId, ReviewDate, Deleted, Audited)

	SELECT b.ItemReviewId, UserId, ReviewDate, Deleted, Audited
	FROM (SELECT ItemreviewId
              ,CEILING((SUM(CASE WHEN Deleted='No' AND ReviewDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate AND UserId NOT LIKE 'b_d2_' +'%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER(PARTITION BY UserId)
                       +SUM(CASE WHEN Deleted='Yes' AND ReviewDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate AND UserId NOT LIKE 'b_d2_' +'%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) OVER(PARTITION BY UserId)
               AS records
              ,row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY Deleted,UserId ORDER BY NEWID()) AS rn
          FROM tblItemReviewItems
       ) AS a
       INNER JOIN tblItemReviewItems AS b
               ON b.ItemreviewId=a.ItemreviewId
	SET Audited='Check'
	FROM tblItemReviewItems AS a
		INNER JOIN @tempItems AS b
		ON b.ItemReviewId=a.ItemReviewId
		UPDATE tblItemReviewItems SET Audited='Check' WHERE ReviewDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate AND UserId LIKE 'b_d2_' +'%'