Old Friends and Foes

I had forgotten that! I could not say when the last time I came across tuple. Though I am sure it was in a book.

As to fields/columns, I try and stick to columns, having never ran across calling them attributes. And yes I knew they that a column is an attribute but there are lots of attributes. :smiley:

Relatiional model

However good his intentions, Rude is always unnecessary. "Drunk Uncle" doesn't get invited again in my household ...

We can pool our pair on one-cents to make two?!!

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I know they have longer vacations and more holidays in the UK compared to the US, but @Kristen, you have been away from SQL Team for 3+ months!! Do they have any openings where you work? Any chance you can put in a good word for me? :smile:

I'll let you know when I'm back in 3 months time :slight_smile:

UK is not the most.

Couple of interesting tidbits about the holiday calendars in India:

  1. If a holiday happens to be on a weekend, for example on Sunday, they don't get a compensating holiday on Monday or Friday. So a national holiday falling on a weekend is an unwelcome prospect.

  2. If a dignitary such as a former president dies, schools and government offices usually get a day off for mourning. So when a former president is seriously ill, all eyes turn to heaven in prayer asking for the beloved leader to die on a weekday and not on a Saturday or Sunday.

This is all hearsay, so if anyone claims that I am wrong, they would be right.

I agree that rude is never a good thing. I think what Mr. Celko is doing is something that I term “The Celko Slap.” Recall the “old” movies when someone is in a panic state and someone goes up and slaps them and tells them to “get ahold of yourself!” I think that Mr. Celko sees so much bad design and wants to shock people back to reality. That doesn’t make it right.

To illustrate how the “Celko Slap” can turn people off, consider this fictional posting:

Dear learned database experts. Having successfully built a macro in Excel to replace the SUM function, management chose me to design their new database system. I had a few questions on how to do it best but after reading some of the responses and the venom unleased, I have decided to use my original design rather than risk public ridicule. Using NVARCHAR(MAX) with a combination of JSON and/or XML to store the fields will be more versatile and can do just about anything we want. Besides, we are not sure if we are getting the contract for the nuclear power plant safety system or the air traffic control system. My design will allow us to easily switch between them without a redesign.

Asking questions is easier when the person asking doesn’t fear that their head will be bitten off in return for trying to learn.


Good analogy/example James!!

His rants about using ANSI SQL and portable code reminds me of Jimmy McMillan. For those of you who are not intimately familiar with the circus that is New York City politics, Jimmy McMillan is a guy who has run for every possible elected office in New York City (and beyond) as his party's candidate. His party is "The Rent is Damn Too High" party. I kid you not - that is the name of the party. He is a single issue candidate, that issue being "the rent is damn too high"

Our friend reminds me of Jimmy McMillan, except that the party line is "the damn code is not ANSI SQL".

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And no one fully implements ANSI SQL.

I think these links present the issue very well. One doesn't have to be nasty if they are an expert as evidenced by the article author. He is kind, helpful, and don't think he has ever quoted ISO date format standards.I could be wrong though - he likes to dive a lot.

Answer Questions Politely

Ignorance Is Not Stupidity

Thanks for all you do Mr. Randal!


he reads a lot of books too. I too read some books ... but I don't feel the urge to categorise them, write reviews on them, give them star ratings, put all that in a database (actually, apart from the fact that I don't generate that data, I could well put data like that in a SQL database :smiley: ) including the number of pages read, start/end dates and all that jazz AND publish that as a blog article including a pie chart ...

Several of the books I read each year are prompted by the ratings that Paul provides in his end of year Book review (thoroughly enjoyed The Martian in his 2014 list, and would otherwise never have known anything about it until the film hit the screen). But I am definitely NOT aiming to read 88 books in the next 52 weeks :dizzy:

There are also the Stats-in-numbers he posts each year; if it were me I would changes "Years married" to a different unit, so that it could overtake "the number of miles I flew on United" which must be the grimmest part of his life ...

Finding a good book is like making a new friend who doesn't ask you to borrow money. I have made a lot of new friends from his book lists. As you said, I too would never have discovered The Martian had I not read his recommendation. I find his recommendations to be more reliable than the Amazon.com reviews. Perhaps that is because his mindset is close to mine due to our shared vocations. Some books I would never have considered until I read about his reviews. I wish the year end book summary came out every month. I am sure Amazon.com would like the reviews to be more frequent so I spend more often.

Hahaha ... perZactly! ... but SQL Consultant pays better than Book Reviewer :slight_smile:

Would the MODs please ban JCelko; his attitude, language, and the way he upsets people here are completely unacceptable and he contributes nothing useful, but rather only a vile tirade and abuse in every post.

Saturday night's post:

Recipient's response:

Which has now been followed by JCelko posing a justification of his rudeness as being the correct behaviour for a Teacher talking to Student. Yeah right, "Reduce them to tears" has always been the best way to teach ...

I don't know who the correct MOD is, so I am including notifications for everyone listed on the ABOUT page in the hope that one of them sees sense.

Thank you.


It would be nice if the O/P was sent an apology because JCelko should have been banned a long time ago; as the start of this thread indicates he has been doing this on the new forum since July 2015


This has been done, his account is suspended and blocked.

I agree that this should have happened a long time ago, and I apologize to SQLTeam posters for not doing this sooner.



Thanks Rob, you're a star :slightly_smiling: and I'm sure that @maggie_patterson will be reassured.

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Thank you so very much. I don't feel so alone in this attack.

thank you Kristen if I did not already say it. I do feel better. Can I ask you what a badge means in here apparently I earned one :slight_smile:

The forum software used here is from the same "stable" as Stack Overflow, and Badges are a big part of how that system works - people increase their "Rank" through such things and with it their Standing within the community (and, in some cases, "Abilities" - such as the ability to edit a title, or add/change a TAG - which are things I can do here, without being a moderator).

That said I'm not sure it is hugely relevant to this community; I suppose it replaces the Post Count and REPutation as used in other Forum software, but I don't know of anyone here who is actively trying to gain badges ... for me the novelty wore off very quickly!