Create database scheme for Packages, Products and Services


I have 3 tables: Packages, Products and Services:

create table dbo.Packages ( 
  Id int identity not null
  Name nvarchar (80) not null

create table dbo.Products ( 
  Id int identity not null
  Name nvarchar (80) not null

create table dbo.Services ( 
  Id int identity not null
  Name nvarchar (80) not null

I need to relate the 3 tables to fulfill the following requirements:

  1. A package consists of a mix of products and services;
  2. All products can be included in a package;
  3. Not all services can be included in a package;
  4. A product or service can be included in many packages;
  5. A product or a service cannot appear twice in the same package.

I am not sure how to build this scheme specially because of (3) and (5).

Probably I will need Table inheritance, Many to Many relationship and some kind of Index for (5)?

Could someone, please, advice me on this?

Thank You,

Hi Shapper,

Will the below database schema be of some help to you ::

create table dbo.Packages (
Id int identity not null,
Name nvarchar (80) not null,
Product_id int references dbo.Products(Id) not null,
services_id int references dbo.Services(ID) not null check( Services_id >=20)

create table dbo.Products (
Id int identity not null Primary Key,
Name nvarchar (80) not null

create table dbo.Services (
Id int identity not null Primary Key,
Name nvarchar (80) not null



One package can have more than one service or one product.