Can help me out SQL error

While trying to complete some bookwork online, I tried to log into my schooling site and received the following message on my Android Mobile device ( Samsung Galaxy S8)
System. Data. SQL client. SQLException: warning fatal error 8 2 3
provider TCP provider error 0 no connection
I don't know anything about SQL or any if that I'm just hoping someone can clarify this for me thank in advance

If you have used that Android Mobile APP to connect to the school before? then I think the most likely reason is that the Server which handles SQL at your School is down, and when it comes back up again you will be able to connect.

If this is the first time that you have tried to use the APP (or first time using the APP to connect to a new school facility) then the more likely reason is some sort of connection failure - wrong UserID / Password, or you have not been set up with permission to access that particular SQL Server (but you would be able to use other parts of the school system - to which you do already have permission).

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@Kristen awesome thank you so much for taking the time to help me!!!