Attempt to fetch logical page(3:71770) in database 5 failed .it belongs to allocation unit 72057594060931072 not to 281474980249600

We are facing a issue in our DB server. following error is coming

attempt to fetch logical page(3:71770) in database 5 failed .it belongs to allocation unit 72057594060931072 not to 281474980249600.

can some one help us to sort out the problem and i am using SQL server 2014

You wouldn't by any chance be using nolock?

no we are not using nolock

when we ran the DBCC, we got the follwing error

Error : System table pre-checks: Object ID 3. Page (3:494483) has unexpected page type 2. Check statement terminated due to unrepairable error.

I don't want to paint too gloomy a picture, but it looks like db is corrupt and you might have to restore from backup. As I personally haven't gotten this error before, I hope forum experts will assist you. Please wait until the expert advice you, as there might be some other actions you might take.

Best of luck :slight_smile:

You need to run a complete check on the db:

SELECT DB_NAME(5) --this is the "problem_db"
DBCC CHECKDB (5) WITH PHYSICAL_ONLY /at first, at least, just run a physical check/

Specifically for your current error, determine which object it affects. If it's only a nonclus index(es) -- that is, the index number is greater than 1 -- you can script out that index(es), drop it(them), then recreate it(them).

USE [problem_db_name];
SELECT OBJECT_NAME(p.object_id) AS object_name, p.index_id
FROM sys.allocation_units au
INNER JOIN sys.partitions p ON p.partition_id = au.container_id
WHERE au.allocation_unit_id IN (72057594060931072, 281474980249600)
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