Adding previous or next row values based on condition

Please refer to the diagram. This is done in Excel with SumIffs but I want to do this in SQL. The Value Expected should be calculated per DateTime based on a condition. The condition is that for the current row, look to either previous and/or next rows if the Time is with in 24 hours. In the example, for the first row, the DateTime column shows that the 2nd and 3rd DateTime values are within 24 hours of the 1st. So, I take 2+1+3 = 6 in the Value Expected column. For the 3rd row, (12/29/16 9am), I see the previous and next rows if they are with in 24 hours of (12/29/16 9am). In this case it would be the previous 3 row and the next 1 row. So I add 2+1+3+5 to get Value expected. If the 5th and/or 6th row were with in 24 hours, I would have included them for the total. Can Anybody suggest a simple way of doing this in SQL? I have tried Lag() and Lead() functions so far and isn't giving me what i want. I appreciate any help. Thanks.

Can you post the SQL you have, DDL for the tables and insert statement(s) for the data please.

I haven't gone that deep into it. Can we tackle it at a basic level? The select I have looks like this:
,cast(b.[EFT]/60.0 as decimal(8,1)) Value
,DATEDIFF(HOUR, Lag(b.[DateTime], 1) OVER(ORDER BY b.[DateTime]), b.[DateTime]) 'Hours'
,case when DATEDIFF(HOUR, Lag(b.[DateTime], 1) OVER(ORDER BY b.[DateTime]), b.[DateTime]) < 24 then EFT/60.0+Lag(cast(b.EFT/60.0 as decimal(8,1)), 1) OVER(ORDER BY b.EFT) else b.EFT/60.0 end [Value Expected]

  from [dbo].[Records] b
,b.value + ISNULL((SELECT SUM(c.value) FROM table_name c 
WHERE c.DateTime >= DATEADD(HOUR, -24, b.DateTime) AND 
    c.DateTime < DATEADD(HOUR, 24, b.DateTime) AND 
    b.DateTime <> c.DateTime), 0)
FROM table_name b
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This did it. Thank you so much Scott!


this is what is meant by providing sample data. ታላቆችህን አዳምጥ! :grinning:

create table #eyobzeleke(mdatetime datetime, mvalue int, mhours int )

insert into #eyobzeleke
select '2016-12-28 10:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-28 13:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-29 9:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-30 8:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-30 10:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-31 12:00', 1, 0 

select * From #eyobzeleke

,b.mvalue + ISNULL((SELECT SUM(c.mvalue) FROM #eyobzeleke c 
WHERE c.mdatetime >= DATEADD(HOUR, -24, b.mdatetime) AND 
    c.mdatetime < DATEADD(HOUR, 24, b.mdatetime) AND 
    b.mdatetime <> c.mdatetime), 0)
FROM #eyobzeleke b

drop table #eyobzeleke
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haha:) thanks Yosias!

any inputs on this? Concurrency issue, Stored Procedure, Table Valued Function

Hi Yosias, for the same example sql code here, how would you modify it if I want to look at the following conditions:

  1. previous row (for each row) - check to see the time is between 5-9pm
  2. next row (for each row) - check to see the time is between 7-10am
  3. there is atleast 12 hours gap between 2 consecutive rows
    If all these conditions are met, pass a random number for now (99999) else 0.
    ***You could ignore the 24 hours deal for this challenge:
    create table #eyobzeleke(mdatetime datetime, mvalue int, mhours int )

insert into #eyobzeleke
select '2016-12-28 10:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-28 13:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-29 9:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-30 8:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-30 10:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-31 12:00', 1, 0

select * From #eyobzeleke
I appreciate any inputs!

Eyob (የመስቀል ወፍ),

one would need a way to define and clearly identify what would constitute as previous row? What column do we key off?


:slight_smile: Yep got it! We key off of the datetime column and assume that the datetime column is sorted in ascending order. So at any point of time "previous row" is the earlier datetime for any given row except the first row which won't have a prev row reference. Make sense?

create table #eyobzeleke(mdatetime datetime, mvalue int, mhours int )
insert into #eyobzeleke
select '2016-12-28 10:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-28 13:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-29 9:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-30 8:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-30 10:00', 1, 0 union
select '2016-12-31 12:00', 1, 0

;with cte
  select *,
         LAG(mdatetime) OVER (ORDER BY mdatetime ASC) PreviousValue,
		 LEAD(mdatetime) OVER (ORDER BY mdatetime ASC) NextValue
  From #eyobzeleke
select *,
       LTRIM(RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), PreviousValue, 100), 7))  PreviousTimeValue,
	   LTRIM(RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), NextValue, 100), 7))  NextTimeValue,
	     when (DATEPART(hour,PreviousValue) between 17 and 20 and 
		       DATEPART(hour,NextValue) between 7 and 10) and 
		     ( DATEDIFF ( hh , PreviousValue , NextValue )  = 12  ) then 9999
			 else 0
	   end as _datediff
  From cte

drop table #eyobzeleke
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Awesome. I think that's what I am looking for. Thanks Yosias!

በል ላይክ ገጭ አርግልኝ

:slight_smile: just did...

friend, adis thread jemir, mindinew yihe telefa

eshi Yosias. Ameseginalew:)

hi yosiasz .. please tell me what language is this .. which country



this is a secret alien language, we have come from the third dimension. from a universe no yet discovered. you will be assimilated Thor of gupius

Please feel free to enlighten me

So is the work of Zeus